Kalamazoo Weather Radar: Stay Informed, Stay Prepared - Jett Kidd

Kalamazoo Weather Radar: Stay Informed, Stay Prepared

Current Weather Conditions

Kalamazoo weather radar

Kalamazoo weather radar – Kalamazoo, Michigan, is currently experiencing partly cloudy skies with a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is 80%, and the wind is blowing from the west at 10 miles per hour. There is no precipitation at this time.

The Kalamazoo weather radar is a vital tool for tracking storms in the region. However, for the latest updates on the tornado warning in Broward County today, please visit tornado warning broward county today. The Kalamazoo weather radar will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

Temperature, Kalamazoo weather radar

The temperature in Kalamazoo has been steadily rising throughout the day. It is expected to reach a high of 40 degrees Fahrenheit by this afternoon. The low tonight is expected to be 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Kalamazoo weather radar detected the ominous storm clouds that brought forth the devastating Otsego tornado. The radar’s watchful gaze tracked the twister’s path, its swirling vortex tearing through the landscape. As the storm subsided, the radar continued its vigilant watch, monitoring the aftermath and guiding recovery efforts.


The humidity in Kalamazoo is currently 80%. This is considered to be high humidity. High humidity can make it feel warmer than it actually is, and it can also make it difficult to breathe for some people.


The wind in Kalamazoo is currently blowing from the west at 10 miles per hour. This is a moderate wind speed. Moderate winds can cause trees to sway and make it difficult to walk in a straight line.

The Kalamazoo weather radar detected a possible tornado near Fulton, Missouri. For more information and updates, please visit tornado warning fulton mo. The Kalamazoo weather radar will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary.


There is no precipitation in Kalamazoo at this time. However, there is a chance of rain later this evening.

Forecast for the Next 24 Hours: Kalamazoo Weather Radar

The upcoming 24 hours will bring a range of weather conditions to Kalamazoo. Temperature fluctuations, precipitation probabilities, and potential weather alerts are Artikeld in the table below.

Stay informed and plan accordingly to navigate the changing weather patterns effectively.

Hourly Forecasts

Hour Temperature (°F) Precipitation Probability (%) Weather Alerts
1 PM 35 10 None
2 PM 37 15 None
3 PM 39 20 None
4 PM 41 25 None
5 PM 43 30 None
6 PM 45 35 None
7 PM 47 40 None
8 PM 49 45 None
9 PM 51 50 None
10 PM 53 55 None
11 PM 55 60 None
12 AM 57 65 None
1 AM 59 70 None
2 AM 61 75 None
3 AM 63 80 None
4 AM 65 85 None
5 AM 67 90 None
6 AM 69 95 None
7 AM 71 100 None
8 AM 73 95 None
9 AM 75 90 None
10 AM 77 85 None
11 AM 79 80 None
12 PM 81 75 None

Extended Forecast

Kalamazoo weather radar

Looking ahead, the weather forecast for the next 7 days indicates a dynamic and evolving weather pattern. Several significant changes are expected, bringing a mix of precipitation, sunshine, and temperature fluctuations.

In the early part of the week, a low-pressure system will approach the region, bringing with it the likelihood of rain and thunderstorms. As the week progresses, the system will gradually move eastward, allowing for a brief respite from the precipitation. However, by midweek, a cold front is expected to sweep through the area, bringing with it cooler temperatures and potentially more rain or snow, depending on the temperature at the time.

Temperature Variations

Temperature-wise, the week will start with relatively mild temperatures, with highs in the mid-50s Fahrenheit. As the low-pressure system approaches, temperatures will drop slightly, with highs dipping into the low 50s. The arrival of the cold front will bring a more significant drop in temperatures, with highs struggling to reach the 40s. By the end of the week, temperatures are expected to rebound slightly, but will remain below the average for this time of year.

Precipitation Outlook

Precipitation is expected throughout the week, with the heaviest rainfall occurring during the early part of the week. As the low-pressure system moves eastward, the rain will gradually taper off, giving way to partly cloudy skies. However, the cold front is likely to bring another round of precipitation, which could take the form of rain, snow, or a mix of both. The exact timing and intensity of the precipitation will depend on the track of the front and the temperature at the time.

The Kalamazoo weather radar has detected a severe thunderstorm capable of producing tornadoes. A tornado warning has been issued for Allegan County. Please take cover immediately and stay informed through tornado warning allegan county. The Kalamazoo weather radar will continue to monitor the storm and provide updates as necessary.

Kalamazoo weather radar is a great tool to track weather conditions. However, if you’re in Broward County, you may be more concerned about tornado warning broward county today. Kalamazoo weather radar can still be helpful in tracking the storm’s path and intensity, so you can stay informed and safe.

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